RFQ Request For Quote  575 Tons Mud Lake Idaho

RFQ Request For Quote 575 Tons Mud Lake Idaho

Lane id# MLI-575

Swift Harvest RFQ 7-23-24

Certified Freight Carrier Request For Quote 

575 tons 

Two potential lanes 

Buckeye Az to Mud Lake Id

Ehrenberg Az to Mud Lake Id

Tarp protected please 


Req RFQ for "Alfalfa hay from 2024 harvest, delivered, for the USDA, ARS in Dubois, ID" Notice ID: 12905B24Q0176

0001 Alfalfa hay delivered to U.S. RSPERS-HQ facility 360 ton

0002 Alfalfa hay delivered to U.S. RSPERS-Mud lake feedlot 65 ton

0003 OPTIONAL Alfalfa hay delivered to U.S. RSPERS-HQ facility 60 ton

0004 OPTIONAL Alfalfa hay delivered to U.S. RSPERS-HQ facility 30 ton

0005 OPTIONAL Alfalfa hay delivered to U.S. RSPERS-Mud lake feedlot 30 ton

0006 OPTIONAL Alfalfa hay delivered to U.S. RSPERS-Mud lake feedlot 30 ton

Shipment To:
1 Mile West of Mud
Lake, Idaho on Highway 33