
Robert F. Kennedy Jr 2024 endorses Trump

Robert F. Kennedy Jr 2024 endorses Trump


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Swift Harvest is growing and in prime positions to grain major market share, looking for investment.

Swift Harvest is growing and in prime positions to grain major market share, looking for investment.

Swift Harvest is looking for investors    We are in an awkward position, we have a new business model that is working great and people are excited about it. We’ve...

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RED SEAS CRISIS!! Hay Exports Grind To A Halt

RED SEAS CRISIS!! Hay Exports Grind To A Halt

Alfalfa hay export grind to a halt with delays being expected for all shipments into the area.  Ocean carries scramble to re route shipments causing a rise in ocean freight...

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Swift Harvest Pricing USDA Grade Breakdown 08-07-2024

Swift Harvest Pricing USDA Grade Breakdown 08-07-2024

Here is our current pricing breakdown Alfalfa                                              ...

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July 20 2024 Hay Market Updates

July 20 2024 Hay Market Updates

The alfalfa hay market is starting to stabilize, with renewed confidence in the market demand is increasing. The dairy market is looking for supreme to good quality hay with the...

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Duck Dive or Get Rolled

Duck Dive or Get Rolled

Watching a 3-33 foot wave coming down on you, after paddling through a set of waves, while quickly gasping for air before diving underwater water again to avoid getting rolled...

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Surfs Up! With Swift Harvest

Surfs Up! With Swift Harvest

To catch a wave out on the line up you have to be strategic. It's important to know when to paddle paddle paddle, and lean in at the right time...

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Catch And Ride The Hay Market Wave With Swift Harvest

Catch And Ride The Hay Market Wave With Swift Harvest

  The Alfalfa Hay Market is like the ocean, some times calm and stable and other times volatile and seemingly wild and unpredictable. At Swift Harvest we're veterans in the...

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Swift Harvest is Making Waves

Swift Harvest is Making Waves

Swift Harvests innovations are making waves in the alfalfa agricultural market, offering farmers cutting-edge solutions to get their hay moved swiftly. What sets Swift Harvests apart? With a focus on...

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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for...

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