Swift Harvest is looking for investors
We are in an awkward position, we have a new business model that is working great and people are excited about it. We’ve broken through and are the first ones to do it, we are getting growers signed up and are staring to hiring people to service the contracts and sell the hay. We need some funding to bridge the gap and are looking for investors.
The old business model was buying or brokering the hay and putting $10+ on top of it. There is a lot of haggling and its difficult and slow to get deals done, we also run the risk of market shifts and being on the hook for hay that is to expense and you can’t get it moved.
The new model is service contracts. We do FACS checks/ data collection for growers, we agree on the price of the service and a percentage base for the sales and marketing, before hand. We have a membership program that gives growers a discount on the services and a lower percentage on the sales side. By agreeing on a percentage before and it gives us flexibility and aligns our interests with the growers, we sell the hay for more and we both make more money.
For our golden grower membership we offer 15% off our FACS (forage appraisal collection services) and a 12% sales and marketing fee. Our standard non-membership fee is 15%. They also receive other benefits adding to the value and building our brand.
It’s a relay race to the finish line
Starting with the grower inputing a FACS request, then data collection, data processing, sales marketing and fulfillment, account payables and receivables. We have the interest I need employees to do the work.
We have new growers signing up daily and others waiting to get signed up, I need field techs, sales teams and equipment. We are currently hiring and training, new hires with more in the pipeline.
On the buyer side we offer a Gold Wholesale Membership giving them 15% off on hay. This gives us extra revenue and an engaged group of buyers.
We have high demand for export to the Middle East with new buyer signing up everyday and Swift Harvest literally being the only ones in the industry with an online store.
We have buyers backed up for export with the red seas crisis.
With every crisis comes an opportunity and Swift Harvest is in prime position.
The hay market is in free fall causing growers to look outside of tradition avenues for different options or new ways to sell their hay. The Red Sea crisis is driving demand and interest, with new players trying to get into the market and us being one of, if not the best and easiest source.
We are in a great position, but we are overworked and understaffed.
We have three offices Ehrenberg, Queen Creek and Prescott, with the first two being in prime locations for our contract service work. I am looking to grow both offices to 16 full time crews 4 field vehicles at each office.
Before Dad (Founder David Fish) was only able to due 40k ton a year due to the difficulty and workload, now we have no limit we just need to hire and train more field techs and sales reps to do the service work.
We are also developing a franchise model as there are many other areas and counties that can benefit greatly from our work.
The data
Market reporting and market forecasting is something else in the works. As we collect and publish data for sales and marketing we can also use that data for market reporting and market forecasting. We are developing the cleanest most acquire and efficient data collection system that I have seen in the industry.
We are developing training protocols and well defined roles and positions.
If you would like to invest with Swift Harvest https://swiftharvest.net/pages/investor-opportunities please fill out an investor contact form.